in the 20th century, Smith Corona was an American corporate behemoth famous for mechanical calculators and portable typewriters. They lost their calculator business in the 70s when cheap electronic calculators took over the market. They didn’t learn the lesson. When the world embraced computers in the 80s, Smith Corona kept making typewriters. Today, Smith Corona is a rump of a company that makes thermal labels.
The tricky thing is knowing when you (or the company your work for) are committed to building a better typewriter when the world is about to start choosing computers.
Here are a few thoughts that may help:
Pay attention to what early adopters in your sector are doing
Pay attention to what the kids are doing in general
Use the Crazy Idea Framework
When it’s necessary, be absolutely ready to walk away from your sunk costs and do something new.
Obadiah knows how soon now is.
Obviously you’re going to listen to How Soon is Now, so I don’t need to link to it. While you’re listening to music today, also enjoy Akintoye’s latest. Do it with
If you’re in the mood here’s more about Smith Corona’s downfall.
Grow slowly and occasionally shift quickly
You anticipated a reaction and got one. I had my very own Smith Corona electric typewriter. That was 1972 ish. I let that typewriter go to mom because I was programming a CPT at work. Computers took over and I forgot completely about my trusty typewriter! Now is the best time to be alive. One Grandaughter is going to the moon. Mission accomplished passing on the torch to Adventure! What is the torch you want to pass?
A name pushed into a back