I live in the UK. On Friday 1 April – this isn’t a joke – everyone here will experience an eye-watering increase in energy prices. Inflation is at 6.5% (10% for food, more for petrol) and climbing. The cost-of-living pay rise I got doesn’t touch the sides. The Chancellor’s statement last week didn’t offer much help or solace. And if you’re on benefits, the message is: you’re screwed.
Most of the world seems to be in the same boat, unless you live in Ukraine where you are also coping with an existential threat.
So what are you going to do?
I say life is still a game. If I keep a playful attitude, I’ll come up with better ideas.
I used to play a game called How Fast Can I Drive? Now I’m playing a game called Can I Keep the Engine Under 2000 RPM? My car is a Honda, so it’s an actual challenge. Another game is What Don’t I Need? I cancelled the web hosting for a site I hadn’t updated in ages. I stopped paying for mobile data I wasn’t using. We turned the thermostat down a degree. (It’s Celsius; one degree counts for something.)
Some parts of life are contracting, but I’m doing it playfully. Other parts are expanding. I’m playing a couple income growth games. Because there are always opportunities.
If you’re struggling to play life like a game right now – totally totally normal – try watching Roberto Benigni’s Life is Beautiful. It will help. And it’s a brilliant film.
Finally, if you’re not making it, ask for help. Ask sooner rather than later. There have been times when Christine and I would have gone under if we hadn’t been helped by family, strangers and government benefits.
This week is super busy for me, so I’m sharing some illustrations from my archive.
This will get you moving, but not too much. It’s a Monday.
Seriously, check out Life is Beautiful. We can play our way through this.
Grow slowly
This week I unplugged from swivelization and am all alone in the middle of nowhere. No kitty, no dog distractions. Just me, myself and I. I'm not lonely. I'm tired. I'm walking, eating and resting. I'm bone weary in every way. I have worked tenaciously the past 2 years for the life I saw possible living in an rv. Others have supported my vision because they know I have planned and worked for it. It's here now. Vision realised. One reason I chose to live this way was finances. Now, with inflation, I'm not affected. I filled my tank for over $200 a week ago, twice the usual price. I laughed while filling it because it's one problem I resolved by disconnecting from a landlord. So, I did laugh at that part of the game of life I played well. I'm going to keep laughing as the challenges come. Some challenges will catch me by surprise but my stance is face set like a flint and life chiseling me into a softened mountain face, selah. How have you outsmarted the Systems?