Here’s one of my favourite lyrics of the last few years:
You fucked the world up now / We’ll fuck it all back down
—Janelle Monae & Zoë Kravitz
Here’s what I get out of it:
It declares the messed-upness of the world.
It announces that fixing it is our business and that we’re going to do our job and that we’re going to do it with joy and playfulness.
It acknowledges that we’re going to get things wrong along the way.
Explaining song lyrics though. It’s better just to listen and sing along (provided you’re not at work or around children).
Bad idea: internet enabled cats
Jean-Michel Basquiat changed the art world and changed the world for black artists (see yesterday’s post). This week I want to share a few thoughts about practical worldchanging.
You guys, I haven’t been in a pub with friends for two years. I’m very excited that this is happening next week. We’re having a TREE hangout on Wednesday 16 February. If you’re in/near North Wales, I hope you will drop by.
Grow slowly
You're reminding me of something one of my all-time heroes, Molly Ivins, said:
“So keep fighting for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't forget to have fun doin' it. Be outrageous... rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through celebrating the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was!”
I hope that song doesn’t stay in my head, lol. Catchy tune, that. And yes, it’s my endeavor to improve the world. One small step at a time. I smile. What is your way?