The answer to that question is not what you say you believe. It’s not what you tell yourself you believe. It’s how you live.
What do the things you do tell you that you believe?
what you say is the same as what you do,
and what you do isn’t harmful or destructive,
you are living in wholeness.
When there is disconnection between your saying and doing, you are living in brokenness. And you’ve got a good project to do. Think about which is harmful, your stated belief or your action. Work on changing the one that’s harmful.
Pro tip: If you invent your own words, what you say is never in conflict with what you believe.
Grow slowly
I’m living in wholeness right now. But 6 months ago, I was broken. I literally had to choose many days to do the perfunctories. It was the choices that healed me. Good choices. My actions followed the new choices to wellness. Words in head came through my body in good actions. Can’t lose that way.