Ollie is determined to get served even though he’s only eight years old.
Everyone has something to teach you. This is not hyperbole.
Once in a while, someone teaches you something so profound that it sets the direction for your life. Or it becomes a guiding principle for the choices you make. We call that a northstar.
Once in a while, someone does something so profoundly opposite to what you want to do and who you want to be, that it too becomes a guiding principle. As in, I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I know it’s not [thing that person did]. That’s a southstar.
Everyone has something to teach you. It’s not always a good thing. But there’s always something, if you’re paying attention.
One of my major southstars is ‘should’. There are a million people telling me what I should do. Most of them are wrong. The ones who are right annoy me so much I struggle to learn anything from them. I decided several years ago that whatever I do, I’m not going to be the guy who tells people what they should do.
How am I supposed to know what you should do?! I will tell you what works for me. I will tell you what I understand the universe to be. What you should do with that is none of my business.
Everyone should know about Starlight Girls. Almost no one does.
I’ve had a number of new subscribers this week. Hello, new subscribers! Welcome to the FOREST. I hope you’ve downloaded and enjoyed How to TREE from the welcome email. If you want to be fully introduced, you can take 10 minutes to read these six posts:
Consider a tree
Life is a gift
Life is a game
Grow slowly
How you believe is more important than what you believe
You’re not as broken as they say
Comments are always welcome. I love when people add their own thoughts, ideas and even respectful disagreements.
You can contact me directly by replying to any TREE email. I will get respond. Sometimes it takes a few days.
Something for the weekend
I got the name southstar from this episode of Rob Bell’s podcast. It’s certainly worth 40 minutes of your life.
Happy weekend