Inspired by Friday’s sponsor and hungry for that sweet cash, Derek has perched on Angela.
Imagine a spectrum
of belief
about personal agency.
At one end is a feeling
of complete powerlessness.
This is the state
of hopelessness.
At the other end is the conviction
of total responsibility
for everything.
This is the state
of guilt
and self-hatred.
Reality is somewhere in the middle,
but closer to powerlessness.
The way I see it,
if you feel powerless,
you don’t have to move far
along the spectrum to get to a place where you can make a real difference.
If you feel responsible for it all,
there is so much false responsibility you can change your mind about –
you can grow lighter for years!
This one has some strong rise up energy.
This weekend I started listening to this conversation about trauma between Ezra Klein and Bessel van der Kolk (author of The Body Keeps the Score). I was shook. I need some time to process some stuff, so this week’s TREE features pencil sketches, three things I already had written and three very excellent quotes. It’s pared back, but I think it’s good.
Grow slowly