Smoke and steam.
Consumerism is all about choice. It gives you choices like: Which of these 15 bodywashes that will get me exactly the same amount of clean should I buy?
This is to distract you from your real choices.
Here’s a small example of a real choice based on my own values. Shall I
buy overpriced soap in a planet-killing, single-use plastic bottle
go with a cheaper, better-for-the-planet and just as effective bar of soap in a paper box?
(I’ll give you a bigger example tomorrow.)
Consumerism’s default setting is to offer us infinite meaningless choices while telling us that real choices are impossible.
They are not impossible. They are hidden.
It takes practice, but when you start ignoring meaningless choices
and start looking at your real choices about
what kind of person you want to be
who you want to spend your time with
what kind of work you want do
what you want to make with your life
then you can make actual progress.
Choose life.
Grow slowly