‘Caroline, it seems the walking tree is still walking towards us.’
You know how when people rush into a new relationship immediately after the last one dies it’s rarely a good thing? Jumping into bed with a new institution on the rebound from the previous one is the same.
This is especially true when the institution you are leaving is religious or political. (It’s usually less true and less possible when you are leaving one job for another.)
You need time to process that death, recover from wounds, deal with your issues and get back to your real self.
When you don’t take that time, changing institutions does nothing but hide your lack of personal growth.
Years ago, when this kind of thing still happened, a guy came to my door trying to get me change energy suppliers. He wanted me to switch from E-on to his company. I wasn’t with E-on and he couldn’t give me a better deal so I didn’t switch. The very next day he came back wearing a different badge and tried to get me to switch from my energy supplier to E-on. So I really didn’t switch.
He was all hustle and no understanding.
Don’t be that guy.
The video for this song so beautiful and heartbreaking that I’ve only watched it once. It made me proper, full-on cry.
Stay in the wilderness until you’re done.