The world is full of possibilities.
This is the final email of the first year of TREE. It’s been an amazing year, and I want to say thank you.
Thank you
for subscribing,
for reading,
for emailing me back and letting me know when my words have been useful to you,
for commenting,
for sharing TREE with your friends and family.
There are twice as many of you reading as there were a year ago.
I started TREE as just an email. Now it also has a home in the FOREST where there are hints of a community of people helping one another grow slowly.
That community has been most visible in the 40 generous contributions of the TREE guest authors:
Mark Pierce, musician, producer, designer, photographer (TREE 46–50, email only)
Katerina Pavlakis, The Intuitive Cook (TREE 81–85, email only)
Rachel Devine, Photographer and chronicler of life (TREE 111–115)
Steven Tracy, musician, producer (TREE 131–135)
Christine Gill, the best person (TREE 156–160)
Jess Lea-Wilson, designer and curator (TREE 176–180)
Lyndsay Lucero, founder and bag designer (TREE 201–205)
Teresa Roberts, artist and too many other things to list (TREE 221–225)
Thank you!
We started the year with Kilo Kish. Let’s finish it with Kilo Kish.
Do you have a favourite TREE post from year one? Share it in the comments so we can remember it with you.
Something for the weekend
If you like short bursts of writing – and clearly you do, TREE subscriber – check out Patricia Lockwood’s No One is Talking About This. It is one of the strangest and most beautiful novels I have read. I borrowed the ebook from Borrow Box via my local library.
Also, all 236 songs from 235 emails collected in The Memory of TREE – Year One:
I’m off to get ready for year two. I’ll be back in your inbox at 5 AM on 6 September.
Happy weekend
Thank YOU for a year of TREE, Jeff! Nearly two years ago, I gave myself a challenge to draw a face a day for a month. I only managed 10 days in a row! (Thankfully I’ve become better at sticking to creative goals since). The dedication, time & effort you put into creating a whole year of tree must be huge, & I’m very grateful to you for it. It’s hard to pick a favourite post, there have been many! But I will choose the week you & Chris did around your Wedding Anniversary. You are two very wonderful humans ❤️
Thank you for this positive way to start my days, Jeff!!