If Ramona had known she was going to be arrested today, she definitely would have put on deodorant.
I used to think money was too boring for me to pay it attention. I thought it would sort itself out if I worked hard. What happened was that my expenses always grew to be the size of my income, I didn’t save properly, I didn’t invest, I’ve never had any cushion and my finances look like they belong to someone in their mid 20s instead of their late 40s.
Nearly two years ago, I fully recognised my wrongness and started changing my mind about money. Since then, I’ve made progress in my thinking and my finances. Our family’s expenditures are under control. We will be out of debt in January 2024. The big project now is improving the income side.
That’s my fun story.
Here’s what I’ve got for today. Reality is that we live in a capitalist world. Whether you want to smash the whole system or live an easy life or do something in between, you need to understand money. You need to be comfortable and confident with money. If you didn’t start learning this when you were a kid, start right now.
There are so many money songs to choose from. I ignored them all so you could hear this duo from Manchester. Because more people need to hear them.
Quick reminder: TREE is going on a two week holiday after next Friday, 20 August. I’ll will be back in your inbox on Monday 6 September.
Something for the weekend
I Will Teach You To Be Rich: No guilt, no excuses, no BS, just a six-week programme that works by Ramit Sethi is the book that helped my finally get my finances under control. If you have no financial plan, if your finances are chaotic, this is the book for you. Get it today. If you have teenagers, buy it for them, make them read it and help them follow the programme.
Happy weekend