I like snakes. This hasn’t always been the case. At one time, they were horrifying to the point I would have nightmares about them. My daughter, very distressingly to me, wanted one for a pet. My husband (who loves even rattlesnakes and often pulls over to move them off roads) told me that I just didn’t speak their language. So, I watched videos and read books on snake behaviour in an effort to learn parseltongue. It worked. Once I understood what the snake was telling me, my fear left. Understanding takes away the fear, stress and anxiety about a situation.
One of the best tools I’ve found to reach understanding is the question “why”. Knowing the reason for a behaviour is more helpful than trying to fix a behaviour. It requires understanding on a deeper level than just words. Watch. Listen. Learn. Understanding takes effort. Parseltongue sure did.
Welcome to a new week of TREE. This week’s guest author is artist Teresa Roberts. It’s going to be a week of cool pictures, profound insights and eclectic tunes (I’m very excited about Friday’s track).
Speaking of profound, here’s something to keep in mind. The ideas in TREE are compressed so you can ingest them in a few seconds. But it takes time and tumbling for those ideas to become meaningful in your life (two minute read). Allocate time and brain space for Teresa’s ideas to develop into their full potential in you.
Grow slowly
A very good reminder: asking why. (Cool illustration).