For five months I have been illustrating and designing a book for a client. After I write this, I will finish the final illustration. It’s been a good, well-paying gig. Editing, illustration and design are what I love to do. The subject matter is useful; It’s a workbook for deaf kids in therapy. I’m proud of this book.
It is privilege and joy to have this kind of work.
Also, it’s a slog. After a day’s work and family time and running and writing TREE, I work.
The pubs have been open in Wales for 7.5 weeks. I have not had a freshly pulled pint yet. I have not caught up with friends that I last saw in early 2020. I have not started work on two projects I am very excited about. I miss my wife.
I’m not writing this to whinge. I know how lucky I am. I get to do work I love. I am writing this to state the bloody obvious:
Worthwhile work is hard.
It’s hard, and you have to do it when you’re not in the mood to work hard. You have to do it when you have no inspiration. You have to do it when all you feel is the friction. You have to do it when the only way to describe it is a slog. Because the alternative is not doing it. And that’s worse.
Something for the weekend
Here’s a short video of Penn Jillette talking about the ridiculous amount of work he puts into his tricks.
Here’s a long story about Teller and the ridiculous amount of work he puts into his tricks.
Keep slogging
Remember, at the end of all the hard work, you will have created a
or book, or painting, or grown up human, or product or whatever it is that you build.
The Memory of TREE playlist – every song from every email:
Thanks for this today, Jeff. The last few weeks at my work have been exactly this, SLOG. It feels like uphill both ways, the faster I go the further behind and the friction between everyone is getting out of hand.
We keep going forward and one day soon a turnaround is bound to come.
I say I want to go home and take a time out, but really, I don't, I like my work. Just right now it feels hard. Continuing to slog...