Your life is a gift, an extremely unlikely, extravagant gift. You did nothing to precipitate or earn your existence. You just got given to you. Just because.
As the beneficiary of such extreme generosity, you can always afford to be generous in one way or another. Jess Lea-Wilson has written a beautiful meditation on generosity. Here’s a snippet:
… Fifteen years on, and I have realised that to be generous, (not just when it comes to pints, though it’s a good place to start) is hands down one of the most attractive traits a person can possess.
I am not talking of flashy gestures, or expressions of wealth (though, admittedly, sometimes these can be very nice) - no, I am talking of thoughtful, kind, sometimes even princely acts that stay with you.
Today I’m starting a new thing for Fridays, which, until a better name comes along, I’m calling ‘something for the weekend’. Friday emails will still give you the morning thought you look forward to, but now it will also include a link to something a bit longer worth taking your time over.
After you read Jess’s piece, I think you’ll be very pleased with this news: she is June’s guest author!
Be attractive this weekend.
Christine: Well, it has to be this:
The Memory of TREE playlist – every song from every email: