What was new and fresh will eventually be old and stale.
Institutions outlive their function then exist only to preserve their existence.
Ideas have their useful time, then reality moves on and they need to be set aside or reformulated.
Wildly successful methods become moderately successful and then useless.
The movement is constant and you cannot reverse the direction of travel.
Let Aquarius get old and die.
Throw out the fax machine cluttering up the cupboard.
Live in the season you are in now.
The stability is in the flow.
I hope you are enjoying thinking about seasons this week. I’m enjoying the conversation in the comments section.
Tomorrow I’m announcing next week’s super-great guest author.
Grow slowly.
Because we’ve already maxed out my personal quota of one hippie song per week and my personal quota of trashy pop songs is infinity:
The Memory of TREE playlist: every song from every email: