On Monday I wrote about some of the global seasons we’re all living through. You are also experiencing your own personal seasons (and microseasons).
In your work, you are probably doing one of these: dreaming, exploring, learning, planting, growing, harvesting, celebrating or in recovery.
In your relationships, you may be full of friendship or lonely or somewhere in between.
You are also experiencing seasons in
your family,
your stage of life,
the time of year
the time of the month,
the day of the week,
the time of day.
All of these have an influence on what is the effective thing to be doing now.
What you are doing to flow with your seasons may be completely different from the people around you.
Two examples of how I flow with my seasons:
I’m more creative in the mornings and at night. My brain is not so good at ideas in the afternoon. Whenever possible, I start new projects in the morning and leave the afternoon for production tasks.
2020 was a year of intense learning for me. My book and podcast choices were almost all about personal growth. When I got to January, I was craving stories. I read a novel. I listened to drama podcasts. I watched TV. I relaxed my brain. Now I’ve noticed the first twinges of the hunger to learn coming back.
This week is all about thriving through the seasons you are in.
Grow at your own speed.
When you play this, just let the whole album flow flow.
The Memory of TREE playlist: every song from every email:
That is interesting what you said about your personal season for 2020. I had a similar, but opposite, reaction during the Trump administration. Most of my adult life has been filled with non-fiction, self-growth and creativity books and inputs.
But during the Trump administration -- the bad news was relentless. And I found the only books I could read were incredibly simple novels. Specifically, love stories. Not "romance" novels, but novels about people being kind, finding love, and sharing love. That was it. No other books could come in. My brain said "no."
And, since he left office my brain has been naturally meandering back to meatier subjects. I once again have interest in non-fiction, in growth, and in serious matters. I definitely noticed this!