… How much do you love accordion music?
Nothing exists on its own.
The thing you love as a hobby could become a misery once it becomes necessary for paying the bills.
A job isn’t merely a job description; it’s the people you work with.
The perfect job that requires a 90 minute commute may not be the perfect job.
When you think about what you want to do, consider the accompaniment. If you don’t like the music, you’ll soon hate the dance.
Hey, beta testers
Thanks for giving TREE on Substack a try this week. All the feedback I’ve had has been positive. If anyone had negative thoughts, it’s seems they weren’t negative enough to be worth mentioning.
Based on my experience and your feedback, the move is going ahead. Huzzah!
Here’s the message your fellow subscribers still on Mailchimp are reading today:
TREE is moving. From Monday 22 February, TREE will come to you from https://theforest.substack.com/
One of my goals for TREE this year is to begin to build a community around TREE. You all have great stuff to share. The FOREST WISDOM book proved it. The emails you send me prove it. I want a place away from the toxicity and fake news of social media where we can talk with each other. It’s about amplifying your voice.
What’s changing?
The emails will look a little different. There will be a website where you can comment. That’s about it.
Will TREE still be free?
What do I need to do?
Add theforest@substack.com to your contacts. This is the email address TREE will be coming from. Adding it to your contact list will help make sure TREE doesn’t go to your spam folder. You don’t need to do anything else. I’ll move your subscription after next Friday.
I like new things. Can I move now?
Yes, a small group of TREE subscribers have been beta testing TREE’s new home. You can join them by going to https://theforest.substack.com/ and subscribing.
I have more questions.
Hit ‘Reply’ and ask away!
Let’s keep growing slowly together.
See what I mean? It’s very Marmite.
Every song from every past email: